Monday, June 25, 2007

And the workshops begin . . .

16,000 people moving around the conference center . . . a lot going on in one space. There is a variety of workshops offered; lectures, bring your own laptop, model classroom, videoconferencing and more. Spent the day going to workshops mostly, then headed to the exhibitors' space for about an hour. Had dinner with the NH contingent. See me at the head of the table?

Here are some other photos from yesterday at Olympic Park and the Coke Museum.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

NECC 2007 - Atlanta

Off to the next technology conference in Atlanta. Meeting up with old friends and some new ones. Started off on Saturday with the ISTE affiliates' annual meeting. Deb, Cyndi, Kathy and I represented NH. We spent the whole day in air conditioning while it was 97 degrees outside! (They still have a drought here.)

We had dinner at the Sundial restaurant that revolves at the top of the hotel. I got to meet the Women of the Web 2.0!

Sunday, we had some down time and headed to the World of Coca-Cola Museum. At the end of the tour, they have a sampling room to taste the various products they make around the world. [Stay away from the Italian soda called Beverly. Yuck!] Did like some of the Latin American varieties with the fruit flavors.

Searched for a geocache on the way back to the hotel. Bill found it first. It was called Lunchtime Special.

The conference started Sunday evening with a keynote speaker discussing how the future demographics are going to change the way we teach and live. First time I've heard a tech person include 'being green' in his presentation.