Sunday, June 29, 2008

Another NECC Trip - 2008

This year NECC is in San Antonio, Texas. Tricks has been here before for this conference.

We had a tough time trying to get here though. There were too many lightning storms around so we got delayed in Manchester Airport and fortunately our connecting flight got delayed too. At one point we had tickets for the next day on another airline! But we are here! Whew!

Spent the first day at the ISTE affiliate meeting. All the affiliates from around the world meet to share, problem solve, and vision about education and technology. Quite a few people for Australia this year!

Here are some photos of the bloggers at Edubloggercon.

Monday, June 25, 2007

And the workshops begin . . .

16,000 people moving around the conference center . . . a lot going on in one space. There is a variety of workshops offered; lectures, bring your own laptop, model classroom, videoconferencing and more. Spent the day going to workshops mostly, then headed to the exhibitors' space for about an hour. Had dinner with the NH contingent. See me at the head of the table?

Here are some other photos from yesterday at Olympic Park and the Coke Museum.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

NECC 2007 - Atlanta

Off to the next technology conference in Atlanta. Meeting up with old friends and some new ones. Started off on Saturday with the ISTE affiliates' annual meeting. Deb, Cyndi, Kathy and I represented NH. We spent the whole day in air conditioning while it was 97 degrees outside! (They still have a drought here.)

We had dinner at the Sundial restaurant that revolves at the top of the hotel. I got to meet the Women of the Web 2.0!

Sunday, we had some down time and headed to the World of Coca-Cola Museum. At the end of the tour, they have a sampling room to taste the various products they make around the world. [Stay away from the Italian soda called Beverly. Yuck!] Did like some of the Latin American varieties with the fruit flavors.

Searched for a geocache on the way back to the hotel. Bill found it first. It was called Lunchtime Special.

The conference started Sunday evening with a keynote speaker discussing how the future demographics are going to change the way we teach and live. First time I've heard a tech person include 'being green' in his presentation.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Family Time - Cookout

Ron and Charlotte hosted a cookout for everyone. Aunt Marjie joined us too!

It was great to see the four generations together!

Thanks for a great time!

And thank you Gail, Roy and Justin for letting me spend the night!

Family Time :)

After the wedding, I was able to visit with my aunt and cousins. It was such a special day for me! I got to see everyone in the families. I especially appreciated the fact that Justin, Holly and Brett spent so much time with me. Not much fun with an older cousin but I appreciated every minute! :)

Ron convinced everyone to go tubing at a nearby park. Ok, so not everyone went tubing, but I tried it! I got stuck in the eddies frequently, but had a blast!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Wedding

Headed to Colorado for Steph and Dan's wedding. It was held high in the mountains. A spectacular day, ceremony, and friends! Steph, Sue and I met through the Belize program.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Tricks flew First Class to Denver. No lines or waiting for 1st class . . . took 30 minutes from hotel to the gate!

Flying out of LAX, we could see the forest fire that started yesterday.

Flew over desert, Vegas, and the Rockies. Think that's Hoover Dam?

Happy Birthday to Alexa and Gail! :)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Mt. Palomar

Headed up the 5,500 foot mountain to the Observatory. As we walked up to the dome, we noticed it was being painted and the dome was rotating. A 10 hp motor moves it, but it makes no sound!

We dropped a name of a former employee who now works in NH. He was well liked so we were able to view the telescope on the other side of the glass room, meet several people and get some photos for my classroom. Thank you!

We traveled the backroads to Temecula. Not what we expected for wine country, but eventually found the wineries.

Then we needed to head towards LA to be closer to the airport. Sonja mastered the roads with Jay as the navigator!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Trade-off

Sonja, Audrey and I headed back to San Diego, after imposing on Diana again! We owe you big time, Di!

We tried a geocache in Huntington Beach, but had no luck so we wandered the beach. We made our way back to San Diego to pick up the next player, Jay. While we were waiting for Jay's plane, Audrey and I found the Nautical Nonsense Geocache.

We ended up saying goodbye to Audrey. :(

The new threesome plus Tricks headed towards Mt. Palomar. We ended up staying in a cabin in Lake Henshaw! Notice the sign in the kitchen. Sony was disappointed she couldn't clean any game or fish, so she cooked pasta for dinner! Cards and computers after dinner . . .

Monday, July 10, 2006

Big Sur

From Hearst Castle, we headed north towards Big Sur. The roads were curvy, high on the cliffs and foggy at times.

We finally found a room for the night that was reasonable. (The discounted $945/night was a little too steep for us.) We ended up in a cabin in the Big Sur State Park. During a hike in the morning, we discovered the redwoods!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Heading North

We started heading north to see Hearst Castle. The drive was long but nice views along the way.

The outdoor pool at Hearst Castle. (Didn't get wet this time!)

Spotted some elephant seals along the way to Big Sur!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

July 8th

The conference has ended. We picked up A. and headed to Huntington Beach to see our old friend, Diana! Hi Di! We're invading! Still not sure what we are going to do on our free time, but it's good to be with friends!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Geocaching Booth!

On the last day of the conference, I volunteered at the geocaching booth. They had over 300 people trying it out over the three days! Nice group of people!

(Notice Peter has the GeoCoin!)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

First official day of the NECC conference.

Started the day (July 5th) with good workshops. When they are not so good, I head to the vendors area. I never made it there until all the sessions were over. But, I must admit, I did take some time off for some geocaching. A local group of geocachers have a booth here. You can borrow a GPS and they give you lessons. After that, you are welcome to try their course of 9 caches. If you do five out of the nine you can enter a drawing for a $400 GPSr. I started the course and ended up meeting two women from Louisana. We completed the course together and had lunch. Then I went back to the workshops.

Our NH group met up in the evening with the rest of the New England people. Found one person who has been thinking of doing the Belize program, so I did a little PR with her. Then the NH crowd went for dinner. (Tricks stayed at the hotel the whole day, drying out from the big wave.)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

4th of July!

We took a little boat out to Coronado Island today.

Walked the width of the island, watched part of parade, put our toes in the Pacific. The sand was very different, with little pieces of pyrite or something like that. Lots of sparkles. Tricks was looking at it and all of a sudden a wave came up from behind . . . A little wet, but refreshing.

We were able to do one geocache called Spy School. Had to sneak it out without anyone noticing.

Off to go to the opening reception for NECC and watch the fireworks.